Tuesday, 30 August 2016

Bonjour Paris!

My third and final vacation of twenty-sixteen was a whirlwind tour of the city of love, Paris, avec mes amis. I love this city for all its sophisticated and minimalistic glory, especially with cool, new urban joints cropping up all over the scene; which although very un-Parisian, make the city an all the better place to get marvellously lost in.

After a painfully early start we arrived at lunch time, found our beautiful boutique hotel and quickly made ourselves very much at home.

Sunday, 28 August 2016

I'm Back!

A trip to Paris and a festival later, and I'm back. If you haven't already seen over on Instagram, I've been quite the bustling bee, flitting all over the place and barely remembering what home looks like. But for now, I'm back in London and ready to catch you all up on my adventures. Prepare for some snap-happy posts ahead.

What have you all been up to recently?

Sunday, 21 August 2016

Rosé With A View, Switzerland

Ah, the last of the Swiss photo diaries. On our last day we caught the train up to Riffelalp, another hamlet sitting above Zermatt, and hiked our way down through an abundance of butterflies. But first, a quick pit-stop at Restaurant Alphitta for a chance to take in the blissful views one last time.

Thursday, 18 August 2016

Brunch at Chez Vrony, Switzerland

There's nothing quite like waking up to a crisp blue sky in the morning on holiday. Winning smiles instantly beam across sleepy morning faces and legs dash to the window in order for a peep at the weather. 

That's just how our fourth day began.

Tuesday, 16 August 2016

Fresh Start: Three Uni Outfits To Try...

Top // Trousers // Shoes // Bracelet // Ring // Backpack
If I've got my eyes set on fashion university, this girl has got some style stakes to raise. Though, I am pretty sure my look will result to jeans and a comfy t-shirt by the second week. Nevertheless, whether, like me, you're about to embark on university/ college adventures for the first time, or heading back come September, allow me to show you three instant wardrobe updates to give you a fresh look for your fresh start. Or if you happen to be neither, these looks will hopefully inspire your wardrobe too.

Sunday, 14 August 2016

Adventuring in Switzerland

On our third day in Switzerland, we were woken up by a gentle patter of rain against the window, the crisp Swiss air blowing in and the smell of croissants lingering below us. We enjoyed a cosy morning over coffee before grabbing our shirts and raincoats and heading on out to the mountains for another day of hiking.

Thursday, 11 August 2016

Turquoise Lakes and Fireworks, Switzerland

If my last post didn't quite sell you on Zermatt, Switzerland, this one might just do the trick. For our first hike of the holiday we popped on the train to another village nearby and walked back to Zermatt, with the snow-dusted Matterhorn in full view.


Tuesday, 9 August 2016

A Toast To Adventure, Switzerland

This is a little bit of a higgedy piggedy post as what I'm about to share with you all is our travelling day, so of course not many photos were taken. Especially when it takes a plane and two trains to get to Zermatt, i.e virtually an entire day. Nonetheless, travelling is always fun and I'm possibly one of the few people in this world who actually enjoys the airport experience.