Friday, 30 June 2017

A New Chapter

It's been a while, hasn't it.

Truth is, I almost considered giving up this blog. It no longer gave me the enjoyment it once did, I had no enthusiasm to post and I got too busy with life that it had taken a backseat - so, in other words, I lost all hope.

I endlessly questioned myself as to whether I wanted to throw away seven years of blogging, or if perhaps it was merely a previous chapter in my life that I had to accept and say goodbye to. It was only after travelling to the Amalfi Coast in Italy recently that I came back refreshed, re-energised and with a fresh passion to share my travel adventures with you all.

But, ATF won't be the same as it used to be. For now, I wish to turn it into more of a notebook of sorts to keep a track of my wanderings. So things will be pretty light-hearted, casual and personal. I used to put so much pressure on myself to regularly update and churn out content that I was no longer producing things I enjoyed. I'll be posting similar content but with more flair, personality and insight into who I am.

I'm also considering a new name! ATF has had its day I think, and in order to keep myself motivated and grow this blog into what I now want it to be, I think some things need shaking up. And the name I feel is the first on the list. I have a few ideas up my sleeve already!

So, let's catch up!

I've now officially finished my first year of university! Woooo. While it has absolutely flown by, it does seem longer than a year ago that I left school, but time is always such a confusing concept to me. I am so grateful to be attending The London College of Fashion and to be earning a degree in something I always dreamt of studying. I've met some pretty awesome peeps along the way and have learnt lots of new, incredible skills.

Summer has officially commenced, and while things got off to shaky start with the ending of a relationship of mine, I'm now happier than ever with a summer filled with exciting travels. Last week, my sister and I travelled to the beautiful Amalfi Coast in Italy for all the gelato, pizza, sun, sea and wine we could get. Sounds bliss, doesn't it. Well, I'm already editing photos and writing bits about my experience to share with you all so stay tuned. Next up, I'm off to Barcelona with my best friend mid-July, and then Zermatt in Switzerland with family and lastly a quick trip to Amsterdam with a work colleague/ very good friend of mine.

Cheers to new beginnings and what I hope will be an exciting, fun-filled summer for us all! Best wishes.