Tuesday, 19 November 2013

Tuesday Ten: "If You Put One Thing On Your List this Christmas..."

Remember those Christmas' where the entire living room floor was covered in teared wrapping paper and toys galore? The older I get, the less presents I want. Except, I ask ol' Santa up there for just one, extra special gift. For me this year, I've scribbled a Barbour jacket on my list. It is very expensive I know, but hey, it will keep me warm and last for years! Plus, it is a lifetime investment and never goes out of fashion. So, if you're in the same boat as me, where you like just getting one present, then this post if all for you. If you put one thing on your list this Christmas it should be a Prada bag, or Burberry trench or even a strappy pair of Louboutins. Enjoy...

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