Wednesday, 1 April 2015

Give it all you've got: Top Motivational Quotes

Exams are less than a month away for me but finding motivation is something I've always struggled with. Yes, I want to do well. Yes, I want an incredible job in the future. The list is endless as why I need to pass these exams, however, when stuck in my conservatory revising on a sweet and stirring April morning, that list is far away from my mind.

However I'm determined for this to change!

But first let's just excuse the irony of me sat here writing this blog post...not revising.

If, like me, your lacking motivation and determination, be it for GSCE's, applying for a new job or even a tedious task like cleaning, here are my top motivational quotes that you'll be able to turn to in times of need...

P.S: My internet went down last night, this post was originally scheduled for yesterday!

What's your top motivational quote?


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