Friday, 27 January 2017

The Faux Fur Coat, Shoreditch

It must seem that I begin every blog post with an anecdote about the weather, but it's seriously bitter here in London this winter. I know, it's nothing compared to the blustery snowstorms of Iceland or the arctic winds of Norway, but I quite literally turn into an icecube in any temperature below 10 degrees.

So naturally my fluffy Mango coat has been my best friend.

And it was the perfect winter warmer for a blogger coffee date of shooting with the wonderful Jazmine from Jazzabelle's Diary, whom I met in Shoreditch earlier this week.

Friday, 20 January 2017

How I Would Spend 48 Hours in London

I may live in London, but I still play a tourist in my own city. I am endlessly visiting new neighbourhoods, wandering around markets, testing out the latest coffee shop (it's a hard life).

Similarly whenever I travel to a new city I always enjoy getting lost in the streets since it makes me feel as if I genuinely live there, even if for just a short space of time.

And while London's landmarks are definitely a must-see for any tourist, I'm a firm believer that you get to see the true heart of a city when you mingle with the locals.

Who finds the hoards of tourists at Piccadilly Circus fun anyway, even if you are one?

So how I would choose to spend 48 hours, your typical 'city break' visiting time, may be a little different to others on the web, you'll most likely feel like a true Londoner when you return home if you wish to complete it (and I highly recommend you do).

Sunday, 15 January 2017

Dinner at Padella, London Bridge

Who doesn't love a good Italian?

If you genuinely don't, I have just the restaurant that will most certainly change your mind.

Welcome to Padella - a new Italian fella on the block in Borough Market, Southwark.

Sunday, 8 January 2017

10 healthy cafés in London that you need to know

With all those one-too-many mince pies over Christmas and the New Year diet plans, it seems like the perfect time to share my favourite London haunts for a healthy detox. London is littered with all things quinoa, kale and courgetti with cafés and restaurants opening up every month dedicated to just selling these. The foodie scene has seriously taken off and Londoners are loving it (but hey, pizza and beer is still a Friday night go-to). I'm always up for testing out new places to eat in London, so it's no wonder some of the below cafés are some of my favourites, but others I still need to try out for myself. So here you have it, 10 healthy cafés you need to know about...


Sunday, 1 January 2017

2017 Bucketlist

I have fallen victim to the end-of-year post cliché, where it seems every blogger talks about goals, resolutions and bucket lists for the forthcoming year. But I couldn't quite give this one a miss with me already planning a few fun adventures for 2017. I am so grateful to have achieved so much this year - from where I was at the beginning of 2016 to where I am now is a change that definitely makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside. But now it's time for more's my 2017 bucketlist.