Monday, 27 November 2017

Black and White, Marylebone

Hello, hello ladies. It's been a crazy month cracking on with my university work but now that's all completed, you'll be seeing a lot more of me on here (feel free to boo or cheer.) 

November greeted us Londoners with the most bittersweet chill. A chill so cold that my skin has glued itself to this fluffy Mango coat, making me permanently resemble a polar bear. I've shared this faux fur number numerous times, and it wasn't until today that I realised I always style it in the same way (case in point here and here.) So while I wish I was showing you all something uniquely inspiring and revolutionary today, it's safe to say my style, still a year later, is pretty simple, understated and well, monochrome. So here's to more noir et blanc...

Thursday, 9 November 2017

The Secret Parisian Gallery, Mayfair

Dreaming of an autumnal escape to Paris? Can't stop thinking about strolling around the Jardin des Tulieries, post-espresso and pre-Sezane shop? Ain't we all. But if, like me, your hometown ties are reigning you in and a Eurostar ticket is out of reach, there's a little pocket of Paris in Mayfair that can substitute for the meantime.