Friday 16 December 2011

I Love Switzerland!

Hope everybody has had a wonderful weekend, the next will be Christmas! I'll hope to keep you guys posted, don't forget to share your comments below!

Zurich, Switzerland, Winter 2009

Pictures from Winter 2009

Montreux, Switzerland, Summer 2005

^^ Inside a cheese factory, there was a chocolate one too!

Zermatt, Switzerland, continuously since 2003-2012 in the Summer and sometimes Winter

Interlaken, Switzerland, Winter 2005 & 2006

(Yes, we go to Switzerland alot!) Thanks for reading, guys bye!



  1. Wow, you're so lucky to have gone to them wonderful places. I really want to go to Montruex, that looks really nice. It looks warm (non-winterish) in Montruex. Good post.

  2. Nikoli10:02 am

    Im von der Schweiz! Ich lebe in Zürich, aber nicht der Teil, der Sie zu gegangen sind. Ich bin auch Ski in Zermatt, sein ein schönes kleines Stadtion der Nebel von Bergen gefahren. Schönes Blog.

    English: im from Switzerland! I live in Zurich, but not the part that you went to. I've also been skiing in Zermatt, its a beautiful little town ion the mist of mountains. Lovely blog.


Thank you so much for leaving a comment! I try to reply to all of them so be sure to come back to see! :)