Tuesday, 14 April 2015

What Entering the Vogue Talent Contest 2015 Feels Like...

Having an internship at Vogue is something I've always dreamed of. Waltzing into the revolving doors, being greeted with bustling fashionista's with their green juice in one hand and designer handbag in the other. Even if you are given the tedious tasks of grabbing coffee and photocopying, having the prestigious title of being an intern there is something worth having (not forgetting the amazing people you would meet too). So, when I was surprisingly greeted by my sweet English teacher persuading me to enter the Vogue Talent Contest for Young Writer's 2015, how could I pass this opportunity? To enter, we had to complete three writing tasks; if we win, we are awarded £1000 and a one-month paid internship. The finalists will be invited to a lunch at Vogue, after which the winner will be decided. The winner will be announced during autumn.

For our first written piece, we were asked to write an 800-word social commentary. I was really baffled as to what write for this task. I had several ideas, but I never felt passionate about them. My first idea was to write about the new wave of skinny-shaming. In today's media, there always seems to be negative comments towards peoples weight, but recently every female seems to be tagged as 'dangerously skinny'. Is it not important that we encourage a healthy balance? Although this is something I would've love to have written about, it was one Monday morning while applying my makeup that my final idea struck me. I decided to write about the amount of makeup young girls are sporting nowadays. I will share this article on Friday with you all.

The next task required much more than just simply tapping my fingers away at the keyboard for a few short hours. We were asked to write a descriptive interview with someone whom was not a member of our family. My immediate reaction was to contact a handful of my favourite bloggers. However, after e-mailing fifteen of them, I only heard back from two - which in the end only dwindled down to one. But that was super - I only needed one interviewee and the lovely Rebecca from FromRoses was a downright babe for taking to time to be so. I would love to share the interview, but I feel it would not be suitable to without her consent.

The article was fairly hard to write as I had never written a descriptive interview before. However, I absolutely adored it; I would love to write descriptive interviews in the future for magazines as my job. "Here, Emma Fox interviews Alexa Chung on her fabulous day-to-day life"...eek I'm jumping with excitement at the mere thought of it!

Finally, we had to pitch three ideas for stories suitable for Vogue. Here are my three ideas:

Obviously, I'm happy to share with you my ideas as the competition is now closed! All in all, I didn't really have much time to think about my entry. My English teacher (or I to be fair) didn't discover the competition until a few weeks before the closing date so I was rather rushed in completing the tasks - and in addition, I have my A-levels to be revising for so time was definitely pushed. However, I'm content with my articles and I'm keeping my fingers crossed for the result.

Wish me luck!

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