Thursday, 10 March 2011

Scuba Doo!

"Scuba is my new biker!" proclaimed Julien Macdonald, as he gaveVogue a sneak preview of his spring/summer collection, which he will be showing on Sunday evening. "I was inspired by diving trips, and the dark side of the ocean." By dark he means sea urchin-style spiked embroidery, mother-of-pearl effects and racy zippers on bodycon dresses and aerodynamic graphic leggings. Ensconced in his new, chic townhouse premises on Old Burlington Street, with backer Jamey Hargreaves in an adjoining office, Macdonald was in an ebullient mood. The only thing he is slightly peeved about is the property's English Heritage status, which means he can't "hang" any pictures and can only put up one mirror. Free-standing, free-wheeling is the way to go.

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