Tuesday, 16 February 2016

Insta-Success: How To Perfect Your Feed

All photos from my Instagram

With 60 million photos posted each day and over 150 million users, Instagram is one of the best places to promote your blog. Sure, it's great for uploading fun selfies, travel snaps and your avocado on toast (obvs), but with an audience as big as this photo-sharing app's, you know you should be advertising your blog or website in some way. The question is: how do you make yourself heard among the crowd? Or, how do you perfect a beautiful feed that makes viewers hit the follow button? Below are a few basic elements of a thriving feed...

A photo posted by Emma Fox (@emmafoxyy) on
A photo posted by Emma Fox (@emmafoxyy) on

Keep it blue
I recently stumbled upon an article that had discovered through research that people are most drawn to the colour blue, meaning that Instagram photos which are blue-toned are the most successful. Perhaps this is because blue is a fresh, clean and natural colour and thus is aesthetically pleasing to the eye. My top tip? If your picture doesn't particularly have anything blue or cold-toned in it, try turning down the temperature on either Afterlight (my favourite app!) or on Instagram.

Use the same effects
One really great way of making sure your feed looks as cohesive and aesthetically pleasing as possible is to edit all your photos the same way! Sounds pretty simple, but it is rather tempting to try out all different tricks with your photos. I'll soon be writing a later blog post on how I edit my own Instagrams but for now I'll give you some of my novice advice; turn up the brightness and contrast, turn down the temperature and add a little saturation for a boost of colour.

Personal meets business
Nobody likes an Instagram that is solely dedicated to promoting their business. Mix it up with fun personal photos such as selfies with friends or OOTD's.

Spread everywhere
Try using the same pictures that feature on the blog post you're advertising on Instagram from that particular post as this will not only make it look as professional as possible, but link the two together. Additionally, share images from your Instagram feed on Facebook and upload directly to Twitter for maximum exposure across channels.

Vary your content
Think of your Instagram as a well-balanced meal. You need a variety of ingredients to ensure your feed is just the right blend of product, people, places and that little something extra to give your account that edge. Make sure to post regularly to keep followers engaged and interested, but not to much that it becomes irritating. Once a day will do perfectly.

All of this aside, I'm still learning these tips too! I've only just begun turning my personal Instagram into promoting my blog, so these tips will probably inspire me as much as you. If you're into fashion, perhaps take a look at my other Instagram-related post on how to perfect the art of 'blogger-style' photos. Next up: How I edit my instagram photos!


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