Thursday, 24 November 2016

Balayage Round Two.

I was a little naughty last week and treated myself to a pamper session at Radio Hair Salon, Shoreditch to have my hair in balayage once again. It had been eight months since I last had it done for my birthday, so I guess you could say my hair much deserved a little treat (although, quite a hefty one). I absolutely adored it last time round; the blonde tones really complimented my skin, eyes and natural hair color. Moreover, it just really lifted my usual mousy-brown locks, making them look more expensive, luxurious and 'beachy'. With the blonde fading day by day with the summer sun disappearing, I knew I had to get it done again.

So here is the finished look!

I had balayage done by the wonderful Sarah again at Radio Hair Salon in Shoreditch, London. Sarah really is wonderful - she knows exactly what I want and then advises me on that, and endlessly asks me if I want a free coffee or glass of prosecco (= my best friend).

I opted for the same shade of blonde I had last time - a light, honey blonde. I originally chose this colour by finding both inspiration on Pinterest and just going a few shades lighter than my natural hair colour.

The salon is in partnership with Bumble and Bumble, meaning your hair is treated and doused in incredible products suited to your treatment and hair type. I cannot recommend this salon enough as it really is beautiful. They treat you like a VIP and for that in itself I am willing to pay money for.

If you would like tips and advice on getting balayage, click here. And, if you want to read a lengtheir post on my experience and review on the salon, click here.

Would you ever consider balayage?

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