Tuesday, 30 April 2013

Tuesday Ten: My Favourite Beauty Blogs...

Hey guys! Wow, feel's like I haven't actually written a good post in a long while. It feels nice to finally take a quick break from revision, sit back and drool over the latest beauty hype of the moment. Speaking of beauty; today's Tuesday Ten is all about my favourite beauty blogs. I actually tend to watch more beauty YouTube videos than read beauty blogs but I don't think anything beats sitting down with a hot chocolate and reading a good blog. It's only really been a year or so that I've been interested in reading beauty blogs. I guess I always just wanted to read fashion and thought that going out of my territory was a bit...rebellious! Reading up on Tanya Burr's latest makeup buy, flicking through Kate from Ghostparties' most obsessed skincare products or drooling over Lily from What I Heart Today's makeup look of the day. I love it. After a hard day at school (yes...sure) and boring revision, it is so nice to just read through my favourite blogs. Be it fashion or beauty. But hey, I always talk about fashion and thought it would be nice for a change to talk a bit about hair, makeup and skincare. So, here are ten of my favourite beauty blogs...

  1. I Covet Thee - mainly makeup and skincare  she often shares a little OOTD or what she's been up to that day.
  2. Fleur De Force - Beauty product reviews (make sure to check out her YouTube channel!)
  3. Ghostparties - A whole load of skincare products, a few makeup reviews also.
  4. What I Heart Today - The best blog for all things beauty. She features good nail ideas and lip combinations (also check out her YouTube channel!)
  5. Essie-Button - Everything from hair to food, travel, fashion and skincare but she is best known for makeup. I love her 'best products for...' series.
  6. Nouvelle Daily - More of a website than a blog but this is great for finding out what products work best for your skin. This also features fashion and DIY posts. 
  7. Liana Beauty - Makeup everything!
  8. Zoella - Best known for YouTube channel; her blog is good for not only makeup reviews and finding out her latest makeup routine but fashion and her travels too.
  9. Tanya Burr - My favourite beauty Youtuber! Her blog is just as incredible too. I love, love, love her makeup tutorials and reviews.
  10. Hello October - Mainly skincare and hair, scattered with the occasional fashion or 'life' post. Her makeup reviews are really good also.
Please tell me what beauty blogs you love reading (I need to add to my Bloglovin list guys...) Hope you guys are having a good week so far, I hope to catch up soon. Bye!


Monday, 29 April 2013

Reasons To Love Elin Kling...

The essence of cool sophistication. Black is a uniform to Elin Kling and that's what I love about her style. 
Absolute elegance, finesse, poise...Click read more to see extra reasons to love Elin Kling...


Friday, 26 April 2013

Weekend Fashion Inspo

Thinking of wearing a gentle mix of blue and white this weekend. Blue skinny jeans and a white blouse, followed by a tan bag and fedora, the perfect weekend look sorted. 
Have a nice weekend!


Wednesday, 24 April 2013

A Life Update:

Hi guys! I have a few things I'd like to tell you all and thought that I should give you a bit of a 'life update'. Firstly, you've probably noticed that my posts haven't been up to scratch lately and that I haven't been posting as much as I usually do, that's all because of boring o' school. We're approaching our Summer (June) GSCE exams (ergh!) so it's about time I got my little bottom off of my computer chair and started revising. I have a chemistry, biology re-take, I.T re-take and a few other mock exams. Yippee...

Also, guess what? I've started sewing! Well, I've been doing GCSE textiles now since last September but I'm getting a machine so I can actually make my own clothes at home, for my own liking, rather than just for coursework. It was Great British Sewing Bee that inspired me and this blog (the writer  Tilly, actually featured on the show) too. I'm buying the machine this weekend, alongside threads, fabrics and dress patterns. What would I like to make? In school, I've already made a sweet-inspired pillow alongside many samples but at home I want to make dresses, tops and skirts. I'm excited to get sewing!

Sorry if I don't blog as much lately, you all know I'd waaaaay rather be blogging than revising but I need and want to do well in my exams (obvs.). I'll still be blogging every now and then but probably just not as much. I usually blog about 6 times a week, so now I'll only be blogging, say, 4 times a week? Wish me luck with my new challenge of making my own clothes. Hope you all had a lovely day, may the nice weather continue!


Tuesday, 23 April 2013

Tuesday Ten: Favourite Nail Polishes for Summer...

  1. Topshop nail varnish in Carnival
  2. Topshop nail varnish in Air Kisses
  3. Essie -  Come Here!
  4. OPI - Don't Know...Beets Me!
  5. Essie - All Tied Up
  6. Topshop nail varnish in Solar
  7. Essie - Go Overboard
  8. Essie - Bahama Mama
  9. Topshop nail varnish in Eclipse - this is the most gorgeous nail polish ever!
  10. Models Own - Indian Ocean

Thanks for reading, hope you all had a good Tuesday!


Sunday, 21 April 2013

Friday, 19 April 2013

Weekend Fashion Inspo...

All pictures from my Pinterest page, here.

Going to be wearing quite androgynous clothes this weekend. I actually have the same jacket as Lilly Collins in the picture above and will be teaming it with high waisted jeans and a casual tee. 


Reasons To Love Poppy Delevigne...

Poppy Delevigne is who I go to for fashion inspiration  She always manages to look sexy yet classy. Feminine yet with a rocker edge, all while incorporating things that we might have in our closet: a white blazer, a classic trench, a leather jacket, distressed jeans...etc. Click read more to see some more outfits of hers I admire.


Wednesday, 17 April 2013

Summer Trend #2: Denim Dresses

Dress, necklace, hat and lipstick in damned - all Topshop, boots - Rag & Bone

Dress - Topshop, bag - Mulberry, shirt - Carven, shoes - Valentino
Dress - Topshop, watch - Michael Kors, heels - Christian Louboutin, blazer - Karl Lagerfeld


Tuesday, 16 April 2013

Tuesday Ten: Best Dressed at Coachella 2013

Anonymous, Alexa Chung, Kate Bosworth
Miranda Kerr, Sophia Bush, Diane Kruger
Ashley Benson, Aimee Song from Song Of Style blog, anonymous
Aimee Song from Song Of Style blog


Sunday, 14 April 2013

My Everyday Makeup:

Ahh, It's a beautiful 18'C in London today and it's absolutely lovely. It's nice to get out of my winter coat and slip into something lighter. With the weather being so nice, it's sprung me into an uplifting and happy mood. So, I decided to wear my new grey speckled dress from Topshop and take a few selfies and other snaps of my makeup. This is the makeup I wear everyday (I don't wear all of this to school, I skip lipstick and eye shadow) and have actually added a few new products and thrown out some. Here it all is below on me. Please ignore my eyebrows, I don't fill them in but I certainly need to get them threaded again! I feel like I've let myself go, ha!

I start off by priming my face with Smashbox Photo Finish Primer (small size) which I bought only a few days ago and love it already. Then it's on to the current love of my life, the Dr Jart+ Water Fuse BB Cream which gives a nice, dewy glow to the skin. I apply it with the Real Techniques Expert Face Brush. Then, because I have pretty bad spots (the pictures are very kind in not revealing them), I actually apply the L'Oreal True Match Foundation as a concealer. Only in small amounts and on really bad blemishes.

While letting all of the face products sink into my skin, I move onto eyes. I have pretty oily eyelids so I can't get away with not using a primer. When I bought the POREfessional from Benefit, they gave me a little sample of the Stay Don't Stray eyelid primer. It's really good and hope to get the full size soon. After sweeping that all over my lids, I then apply M.A.C's Prolongwear Paint Pot in Chilled On Ice with M.A.C 239. This product is lovely, it gives a whopper load of gold shimmer which complements my hazel eyes perfectly. Then a good few lashings of Benefit's BADgal mascara (which was also a nice little sample).

Back to the skin, I give my face a light dusting of the Rimmel Stay Matte Powder in translucent with the Real Techniques Blush Brush. Moving onto lips and cheeks. I use the Topshop cream blush in Head Over Heels (the picture in the link does not do it justice! It's a gorgeous pinky peach) using the Real Techniques Stippling Brush and Revlon's Lip Butter in Berry Smoothie .

Hope you are all having a good weekend (lucky you if you are at Coachella!) Speak soon!


Friday, 12 April 2013

Weekend Fashion Inspo...

Have you guys seeeeeeeen the weather forecast?! A staggering 16'C (which is like freezing for you Cali's I bet...) brings a humongous grin to my little face. Time to get out my much-loved grey speckled dress and tortoise shell sunnines.

Thanks to all who voted for me in Company Magazine's Style Blogger Awards in the Best Teen Fashion Blog. Voting is now closed and the shortlist should be up next week. 
Fingers, tongue, eyes, toes, arms and legs are all crossed...


Wednesday, 10 April 2013

Outfit Inspo for Coachella


Trending: Ankle Boots and Shorts (Coachella Special)

Looking for something easy yet stylish to wear to Coachella this weekend? I've got just the thing for you. Denim shorts teamed with Isabel Marant-style booties. Pair them with a flowy white blouse and a fedora. Go the extra mile and couple to look with a fringed suede bag and retro round sunnies. The combo actually goes with anything. It's super easy, comfy and fashionable to wear.

Oooooh, how I long to go to Coachella. Good music, good fashion and celeb spotting, all wrapped under the sunny, blue sky of California. Hope you all have fun if you're going, I'm sure you will!


Tuesday, 9 April 2013

Tuesday Ten: Fashion, Style and Blogging Q&A

I have written a 'style q&a' before and thought it would be fun to try some different questions, an 'updated' version if you like. I love and read these kinds of post all the time. I like the fact that your finding out more about that person, not a weird kinda' way. Lily from Whatihearttoday uploaded this video and reminded me that perhaps I should write a post about my life, too! So, next week's Tuesday Ten will be a random/ life q&a. If you want, you can tweet me a few questions you'd like me to answer (@emmafox98). Anyway, this week is all fashion, style and blogging related. Happy Tuesday!

  1. Who's style do you admire? I love effortless sophistication. I admire the likes of Rosie H-W, Alexa Chung, Miranda Kerr and Poppy Delevigne. But I prefer street style, sometimes celebrity style can be a little fixed. I love Rumi from Fashion Toast. She is amazing!
  2. If you weren't blogging, what would you do? Be reading blog's anyway! I'd probably spend a lot of my time doing more school work...ew.
  3. What has been your biggest fashion faux pas? I like to think that every faux pas in fashion has been learnt by. I've definitely had my fair share for sure. Uggs were a huge mistake!
  4. Where are you favourite places to shop? Westfield White City is one of my favourite places to shop and I'm actually going there today. I also love Oxford Street, Kensington and Covent Garden.
  5. What will you be seen wearing most this season? The high-waisted Jamie jeans from Topshop in a pale blue denim. They're the most comfiest jeans I have ever worn! I'd love to answer this question with "A beautiful Celine leather jacket I snapped up last week, of course". But hey ho, I'll stick with what I got, can't have everything.
  6. Where do you get all of your post inspiration from? Sooooo many different sources! Magazines and blogs are your best bet, I enjoy flicking through Style Bistro and Pinterest for extra inspo.
  7. What one word would you use to describe your style? Confusing! I guess it's because I'm young, I'm still figuring it all out.
  8. Who are your favourite designers? Chloe, Oscar De La Renta, Burberry, Valentino, Rebecca Taylor, IRO and Boy. By Band of Outsiders. In terms of high street, I love Topshop (obvs), Urban Outfitters and Zara.
  9. What are you dying to nab your hands on? This needs to be in my wardrobe. Nuff' said.
  10. If you could blog about anything else other than fashion and beauty, what would it be? Oooh, probably music or photography. Although, I can't imagine myself enjoying it as much writing about fashion. 
Hope you had fun reading this! Don't forget to tweet me some random life questions for next week's Tuesday Ten...


Friday, 5 April 2013

Weekend Fashion Inspo

Going to be wearing a soft mix of blue and white this weekend. Paired with black flats and a fedora to edge up the look. Got my inspiration from my Pinterest here. Have a good weekend!


Beauty Note: Spring Caudalie Skincare Set

My sister and I went on a little shopping spree to Harvey Nich's in Knightsbridge a few days ago. We raided the whole dang shop. We stopped at every counter (we had to drag ourselves away at the Space. NK section). And that's where I saw the love of my life. We've only been together for a few days but I think it's true love. The minute we met, whoa, there were sparks. Every Spring Caudalie bring out this grape scented skincare set. It contains the Makeup Remover Cleansing Water, Beauty Elixir (the small, regular size), Divine Oil, Hand and Nail Cream and the Lip Conditioner. All for an incredible £20, sealed in a very useful clear bag. Click read more to see more...


Thursday, 4 April 2013

Summer Trend #1: Hollaaaaah Dungas

The once dreaded lumberjacks uniform is now back with a fashion twist. Stars like Millie Mackintosh, Alexa Chung  and Elle Fanning have been sporting these bad boys for a while. Forget ankle length, baggy and unflattering dungarees, it's all about the slightly sexy, playful and cute ones that everyone in the know has got their eyes on. I personally think Topshop do some lovely ones but ASOS do too. Here are a few pairings I've made for if your stuck with what to wear them with. Hollaaaaaah dungas, hello Summer (soon!)...
Top - MIH Jeans, boots - Fiorentini & Baker, dungadress and lipstick in Bombshell - both Topshop

Sunglasses - Illesteva, dungarees and top - both Topshop, bracelet - Isabel Marant and boots - Chloe
Dungarees and flats - both Topshop, shirt - Equipment, bag - Proenza Schouler
...remember, don't wear a trend. Adapt it into your own individual style.


Tuesday, 2 April 2013

Tuesday Ten: April Essentials

  1. A Colourful Trench - Why I do love the classic trench coat (one can never go wrong with a good Burb), to brighten up an 'April shower' day why not wear this beautiful turquoise cropped one. Trench coats are lightweight (which means it's perfect for Spring weather) allowing you to layer underneath for those chilly days. Pair yours with skinny jeans and a bright, purple blouse for a clash of colour.
  2. Striped Tops - There's something about a striped top. The versatility of it, I think. Black and white stripes fit in perfectly with the monochrome trend or how about a navy and white stripe and go nautical? Or even, team it with the colourful trench for ultimate Parisian style.
  3. Sunnies - That's right baby, the sun is shining and it's time to get those peepers out! April is known to be rainy but quite often it can be really sunny and bright. I usually wear wayfarers but I love these 90's style ones too.
  4. A Pretty Summer Dress - Worn underneath the trench coat with your sunnies on, it would be the perfect combination! Opt for Spring-y colours like pastel green, pink, yellow and soft textures like lace and silk. This one is so pretty but if you're looking for a high-street dress, this Topshop one is equally cute.
  5. Peep Your Toes - Peep toes scream Summer (or warm, sunny weather) but harmonized with simple jeans and a cute shirt, it's pretty easy to work them into your Spring wardrobe. Pastel colours are nice and soft for Spring but this pair are too cute to ignore! 
  6. A Floral Skirt - In bright, cobalt blue or soft, delicate yellow, a floral skirt is a must in April.
  7. Dress Shorts - Forget denim daisy dukes that were the hype of this time last year. It's all about feminine dress shorts, like these. Look for little details that help to elevate the shorts like a scalloped hem or embroidery.
  8. Satsuma Lippy - A gorgeous, punchy orange or coral shade lipstick is the perfect pick-me-up for a dull, rainy day. Although bright orange hues look best on olive skin tones and/ or dark hair shades, you can always try a coral colour (coral seems to look better on all skin and hair shades) that will equally give a nice boost to a grey day.
  9. Light Pastel Knits - Ahhh, I love a good pastel knitted jumper or even a scarf. So delicate and girly. I like to edge the knit up with studded or leather accessories, just like Topshop have done here.
  10. Opulent Flats - Add a flourish to your April looks with chic flats. Whether sequined, studded or embellished, a touch of adornment gives a luxe lift.
...and don't forget an umbrella.

Vote for me to win Company Magazine's Style Blogger Awards 2013 in the 'Best Teen Fashion Blog (under 18)' category! All you have to do is drop in your email, simples!

Thank you all so much! Finger's crossed...