Saturday, 31 January 2015


For our last little chat on acne, we're talking about solutions to your problems. We've looked at why you're getting acne, why it's getting worse, now how to banish it forever. I've learned so many tips and tricks over the years that I could ramble on, but I'll (try) and keep it short and sweet and to the point. Obviously, it must be said that I can't promise these tips will work for everyone as each person's skin is different, but I hope I can help at least a few of you...

How can I banish my acne?
  1. Cod Liver Oil - I've been taking spot tablets (oxytetracycline) for months now, and at first I thought they may be working, but in fact my acne was still getting worse. Instead, I read somewhere that Cod Liver Oil is fantastic for skin as they are rich in omega-3, vitamin A and D. The jelly-like capsules claim to return your skin to 'normal' - which is a slight understatement as my skin looks and feels fantastic now and I put it down to these bad boys. I get mine from Holland Barratt. But, of course, don't forget to read the guidelines on the back of the container, especially if you're taking other medication.
  2. Consult to steps one and two.
  3. Face mapping - This is a wonderful solution to determine why acne pops up in certain areas of the face. Hopefully, you'll be able to understand what's going on inside of your body and realise what you can do to help it. For example, I always get spots crop up around my forehead, and this tends to be when I'm dehydrated. Time to become a waterholic - sounds fun, right? Read here for more info.
  4. Grab the concealer - At the end of the day, whatever you do, your acne won't disappear overnight. It takes time and a whole 'lotta patience. For the meantime, learn how to cover up spots properly and efficiently. Here's a great video with lots of helpful tips. 
  5. Simples - I touched upon this in step two; sticking to a simple, natural routine is probably the best thing you can do right now. Sometimes, or even most mornings to be honest, I just splash my face thoroughly with warm water, gently dab, and use a light moisturiser. Then in the evenings, I use a cleanser, toner/ serum, moisturiser/ night cream. A simple routine however doesn't mean you can't treat yourself to something luxurious every once in a while - oils, serums, night creams, masks or even facials are a great way to keep skin looking peachy and perky.
  6. Sunscreen - This is a step I really need to take more notice of. Use sunscreen everyday. Yes, even when it's overcast, as the sun's rays and the atmosphere can still cause skin damage and dark spots. Plus, sunscreen has many skin benefits - it moisturises, hydrates, protects, provides minerals and vitamins, plumps skin and makes it luminous. Additionally, if you suffer from acne scarring/ hyperpigmentation like I do, sunscreen is a great way to help lighten them (I can't bamboozle you with any technical terms to convince you here, but I've read it in several places so have a little search! Plus, it works for me!).
  7. Hey ho - You must understand that everyone gets or has had acne at least once in their life, even if it's just a few blemishes. It's a part of life, it happens. So conquer on; I know, it's easier said than done, but following these steps are a sure way of helping things along. 
Thank you all so much for reading! This post was supposed to air yesterday as my usual schedule is every Tuesday and Friday but as you can see - there's a whole new layout! New post coming up explaining it all! Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, 28 January 2015

This Is Why Elie Saab is THE Best in the Biz...

Elie Saab's S/S couture line just firther exemplified why I love him so much. The collection featured the rose tint of nostalgia from his homeland, Beirut, and the glamour of the Sixties in a sugar-coated foray of a collection: delicate sequins, translucent silks and a ruffle of feathers.

We were unleashed into fairy woodlands– lush leaf foliage leading the models out in their gowns, for Saab is the master of bringing Disney dress dreams into real life. This time there were more feathers than sequins and more swing than sculpt to the gowns – some with petals unfurling, some featuring a plethora of butterfly wings. But the most standout pieces were those more contemporary short dresses worn with flats – they were fun and playful and still as glamorous as we have come to expect from Saab. Here are some of my favourite looks from the collection...

See, told you. Thanks Elie for probably the dreamiest couture collection ever.
What's your favourite look?

Tuesday, 27 January 2015

Friday, 23 January 2015

My Favourite Instagrammers:

I have actually done this post before, however it's time for an update. I'm seriously obsessed with Instagram. I spend hours flicking and browsing through endless Walden and Amaro-filtered snaps. So, today I'm rounding up my favourite Instagram accounts...

Get lost in a fashion maven - this one's for the girls who want to spend countless hours, with a latté in one hand and their phone in the other, browsing instagram. Turn green with envy over heavenly breakfasts, chic outfits, and incredible jewellery.

Delicate, light, clean and awe-inspiring. After seeing this account, you'll want to give your's a whole new makeover.

Calling all photographers, wanderlusts, summer-enthusiasts, minimalists and lovers of all things natural and pretty. This is the Instagram account for you. Lust over Ella's ethereal snaps and enviable lifestyle.

Is there anything better than seeing the white sand, turquoise ocean, and blazing sun crop up on your phone?

Behold for some serious girl crushing. The blogger behind Gal Meets Glam has the life we all desire; travels all over the world with impeccable style, flawless hair and beautiful makeup.

The ultimate blogger's instagram. Expect to see local florist snaps, enviable style and whole lotta' travel. Tania's got it all.

Who are your favorite Instagammers?



In the second episode of this three-part series, I'm here to tell you all what's making your acne worse. There would often be days where I'd look in the mirror and think "okay, things are improving", then other times, "holy macaroni, grab the concealer girlfriend". It can be terribly distressing to see your acne get worse and worse and worse - especially if you don't know what you're doing wrong or what can help it.

What's making your acne worse?
  • Over-exfoliating/ -cleansing/ -moisturising - This is definitely where I went wrong. I thought that by harsh exfoliating and cleansing it would get rid of all the dirt, makeup residue and bacteria that was on my face therefore preventing spots. However, this irritated my skin, spread the bacteria and made it entirely worse. Then, I would unnecessarily over-moisturise; I would plaster on layers of thick cream as my skin felt dry after all the cleansing. This actually made my skin dehydrated as the contrast of the two methods I used just stripped away the layers of my skin. So, stick to a simple, gentle routine.
  • Under-exfoliating/ -cleansing/ -moisturizing - Yes, striking a balance between the two is hard. Its important to gently exfoliate (a chemical exfoliator is great for acne prone skin, I like this one) in order to gently buff of the dead skin cells and increase cell renewal, therefore decreasing your chances of getting post-inflammatory hyper-pigmentation (phew, feel fee take a deep breath now). Cleansing is vital for removing oil, dirt and makeup. And of course, a light moisturiser to hydrate the skin.
  • You're fussing too much - Honestly, don't fuss too much with products over your skin. Don't go and blow £50 on 'natural' products that claim to give you a whole new face, because ultimately, they won't. This, again, is something I've learnt the hard way. All you will need is a light cleanser, an exfoliator (to be used once a week) and a light moisturiser. You could also occasionally add in a mask/ serum/ night cream for a pamper. But can I please stress - do not use 'oily/ acne skin' based products. These are fueled with harsh chemicals that will rip your skin to shreds. Stick to products aimed at 'normal' skin.
  • An unhealthy lifestyle - Ooh, none of us like to hear this one, do we? A healthy lifestyle is obvs crucial to the whole of your life, but lest we forget that those doughnuts you're eating right now will affect your skin [refer to part one]. Foods rich in all vitamins and minerals are incredibly beneficial for the skin, but especially look for Omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin D and E. I actually have started taking Cod Liver Oil Capsules and they are amazing for the skin, but more on that on the next post. Finally, don't forget exercise and plenty of fresh air too.
  • Touchy-touchy - Stop touching your face! I know it's hard not to rest your hand on your cheek while you daydream away your time, however, when the bacteria on your hand then transfers onto your skin, and mixes wit the oil or makeup on your face...hello acne. On a similar note, also beware of: mobile phones, dirty makeup brushes, dirty pillows etc.
  • Picking - This is such a hard point to address because, fundamentally, you're still going to pick your spots now matter how many times someone says don't. Heck, I do. Picking spots will only spread the bacteria elsewhere around your face. So, consider this your new mantra: "Do I want a spot that will last for a couple of days, or a scar that will last for years?". I still have acne dark spots (or post-inflammatory hyper-pigmentation) from previous spots that were on my skin years ago (how annoying is that!). A spot will only need a little bit of primer, a thin layer of foundation, several layers of concealer and a light dust of powder - that will definitely do the trick. 

Thanks for reading! Don't forget you can tweet me with #acneparttwo and I'll respond with as much advice as I can to any of your questions!


Tuesday, 20 January 2015


Hi everyone! As my acne has somewhat cleared up, I thought I'd share with you all my top tips to banishing blemishes. This will be a three-part series, and today we're discussing the dreaded reasons behind your acne/ spots. I can't guarantee my advice will work (and hey, nothing will ever stop spots from arising now and then), but as I've battled with acne for over 3 years, I hope I can at least help a few of you...

Why are you getting acne/ spots/ blemishes?
There are so many reasons as to why you get spots. It can depend on just about everything, which is the rather annoying part. And of course, determining what is causing you spots is equally difficult.

  • Inside = outside - Unfortunately what goes on in the inside of your body, shows up on the outside - hence why teens with raging hormones often have acne. Likewise, people who are stressed or living an unhealthy lifestyle will notice spots too. Read here for more info.
  • Got milk? - Often people who have severe/ cystic acne, typically on their cheeks, may be lactose intolerant, or cannot digest a lot of dairy. You must consult your doctor if you notice after consuming a lot of dairy, your spots get worse.
  • Makeup or Break up - Let's get one thing straight, makeup does not cause you acne (unless there's a particular ingredient your skin is allergic to). Makeup only makes you break out when you don't remove it properly. I always make sure to begin taking off my makeup with a cleansing wipe, then a micellar water (I use Bioderma, the best), before finally cleansing my skin. This is a great routine that I highly recommend. 
  • You're hooked - Smoking, drugs and alcohol are obviously all bad for the skin and body so I won't delve into it too much. But in a nutshell, either stop or consume less; you will notice a huge difference.

#acnepartone - tweet me your thoughts or questions with this hashtag!

Thanks for reading! I hope these steps help you to find out why you're getting your acne. But take note: time and patience is all it takes!  Part two will be up Friday!


Monday, 19 January 2015

What's On My Face #16:

Wow, it's freezing. London has turned into a virtual ice cube, a rather rainy and windy ice cube. Time to whip out the turtleneck and berry lip - winter's essentials. Here's how to get the look...

As my skin is incredibly thirsty, it was only suitable for me to opt for Nars Tinted Moisturiser, finishing with it's perfect companion for a little extra coverage. No Rudolph here (too late for lame Christmas jokes?)

To inject life and colour back into my face: a big swirl of the L'Oréal Bronzer round the forehead and temples. Two weeks in Barbados glow? Check. To compliment the lip colour later to follow, a subtle flush of Benefit Coralista Blusher was all I needed.

For eyebrows, I kept it natural, as I wanted to focus to be on the lips. The Maybelline Brow Drama was all I used. For eyes however, I gave a little definition by using the L'Oréal Super Liner to give the effect of fuller lashes. I finished the eyes with mascara.

This lip colour has only been used a couple of times as I like to keep it for when I want to feel extra glam, but today I needed a little pick-me-up. The finish is glossy, intense and surprisingly long-lasting (I'm talking seriously long-lasting. This baby won't even leave a mark on your glass when you drink! Sold?).

Have you ever worn a wine/ vampy/ dark berry lip?


Friday, 16 January 2015


Hi all, here's a little round-up of my week thus far. I'm now looking forward to a weekend of shopping and relaxing. Enjoy yours too!

Enjoying a 'home brewed' cuppa
A sunny Tuesday morning
Relaxing after a half-day at school
Baked goodies! These are lemon and poppy seed slices.
*SO* excited for sixth form today...
A foggy Thursday morning
Have a great weekend!


Wednesday, 14 January 2015

Ten Things You Probably Didn't Know About Audrey.

Behind the signature sunglasses and the string of pearls, was a woman living in heartbreak and fear. Many people know Audrey Hepburn for her huge success behind the camera as a Hollywood Star, or even for her intense humanitarian work, however, there's much more to discover. I may arguably be the biggest Hepburn fan out there (only a few thousand books put me to this title), but I still don't know everything there is to know! If you have any exclusive/ interesting information - please jot it down in the comments! But for the meantime, here are ten things you probably didn't know about Audrey...

  1. Audrey Hepburn suffered many harsh blows in her childhood that affected her later life - her father leaving the family aged six, the sudden outbreak of war, living under a Nazi-occupied Holland, her uncle being shot by the Nazis and suffering from numerous malnourished-related illnesses.
  2. During her time in Holland, she resorted to eating tulip bulbs and attempted to bake grass into bread. When the war was over, an American solider gave her a chocolate bar, only later to find it made her sick because of the sudden sugar rush. She never fully regained her weight, and remained slight for the rest of her life.
  3. She was always conscience about her feet, which were size 10. 
  4. Audrey beat Marilyn Monroe to the lead role in Breakfast at Tiffany's...and Elizabeth Taylor for Roman Holiday. What a babe.
  5. Audrey lived in Switzerland for nearly the whole of her adult life, in a cottage near Lucerne called 'La Paisible' ('the peaceful'). It still remains today, untouched since the last time Audrey was there.
  6. Her favourite colour was white.
  7. Hepburn 'birthed' many fashion trends; she was the first person to wear ballet flats outside of a studio, the first to wear all-black, an LDB, androgynous clothing etc. Audrey, we salute and thank you.
  8. She loathed Danish pastries - making the opening scene of Breakfast at Tiffany's a little less enjoyable to film.
  9. Her mother once remarkably said to her "for someone with no talent, it's incredible how far you've come". They endured a strange, but still loving, relationship.
  10. There will never be another Audrey.

What's your favourite Audrey film? Mine is Funny Face, bien sûr!


Monday, 12 January 2015

Blogging Plans for 2015...

Happy Monday everyone! Today I'm discussing with you all my blogging plans for the year ahead. I'm probably a bit late to jump on this 'new year' bandwaggon, nevertheless, I think it's important to address and notify you all of what's to come.

This is something I've wanted to approach for quite sometime. I don't particularly have a blogging schedule - other than What's On My Face being fortnightly - solely for the reason that it depends what a-level work I have that night. However, I've decided to post every Tuesday and Friday, with the additional WOMF featuring every other Monday. It will also be every evening. I can't say for sure I will stick to this plan as it does still depend on my work, nonetheless, it's principal that you guys know when to return to see a new post.

  • Less beauty, more fashion - in particular, my own style
  • More 'lifestyle' - recipes, travel, photography, personal
  • More product reviews/ tutorials/ get-ready-with-me's
  • 'Fashion and beauty current affairs' - posts on hot topics, think ManRepeller, Refinery29-style. 
Please let me know if you have any requests or ideas in the comments!

Long-term plans:
I won't deny that I've thought about starting Youtube for a very long time, and when summer finally arrives, when I've got endless days of free time and adventure, it might happen! Let me know if this is a route you would like me to go down or not.

Thanks for reading! There will be a new post tomorrow so be sure to check back *must stick to plan, must stick to plan*