Monday, 29 July 2013

Guess Who's On Holiday On Tuesday?

Me. That's who. While I'm away, I won't (and never will) blog as I am too busy (walking up the Swiss mountains!) and like to save all of my beautiful photographs until I get back, when I can properly do a photo diary of each day's activities. As usual, I'm whisking myself, and my family, to Zermatt, Switzerland for a 5-day holiday. I've been to Zermatt nearly every year since I was three, mainly in the summer although I have been several times in the winter also. It's always extremely hot there and you work up a sweat walking up and down mountains all day. What I love most about the place is that it feels like a second home for me. If there's ever a time I want to relax and de-stress, I would love to just flit off to the peaceful but lively Zermatt. The hotel we always go to is so warm and welcoming, the hikes we do every day are wonderful, the food in the mountain restaurants are equally wonderful, as are the views and the weather. I will be back to blogging soon with lots and lots of pictures to share with you all! Goodbye!


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